Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The weather outside is frightful.... :-)

So today in Spokane, it looks like it might be warmish.............

......but its definitly NOT!!

It was below zero earlier this morning but its up to a whopping 2 degrees now!!

So we dress for the occasion ;-)

She can't really move that well in that outfit!

We still managed to go out and do some ice skating last week despite the cold temperatures..

Megan fell asleep watching :-)


  1. Brrr! That is dang cold! We are cold, but not THAT cold! Our high is 18 degress at home today....

  2. Remind me never to show up there in wintertime. I may die! It's been in the low 80s here and I've been feeling a little chilly. Don't even need the fan when it's that cool! :)

  3. Isn't it freezing! If it's gonna be this stinking cold it should just snow! BRRR!

  4. I am ready for it to warm up...even if it means it has to snow :-) Are you able to keep the house warm? We have had our fire going non-stop...and much of the house is chilly. Our low will only be 12...and I am not happy about that dang global warming!

  5. wow, now i see why you are wearing boots and coats in teh hosue:) Is Megan beginning to scoot/crawl? Joel just started...especially on slippery surfaces. He disappeared from us at dinner when i oput him on the "wood" floor..he got halfway across!
