Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A day in the life of Megan

Trying to sneak a peek in her stocking.....

Hanging out with all her toys...

Watching the fire....

Hanging out with Daddy....

Bath time.....

Trying to decide what to wear..... :-)

Helping mommy clean her room......

...and, of course, posing for pictures.... :-)

Hope you are all having a wonderful snowing day!!


  1. and posing she does a beautiful job of!!! Mr. Snowman is saying 7 inches already?! Thanks for giving us a peek into little Megan's busy life!

  2. She looks like one happy girl! Looking forward to meeting her in person some day....

  3. Looks cozy at your house. Wouldn't even know she was doing a lot of screaming by the pictures!
