Saturday, December 4, 2010


Finished product of our new advent calendar! Thanks Aunt Shirley for your wonderful craft stuff and Bethany for helping make it look...whimsical?? :-)

Megan LOVES taking the box down to get the candy and so far has listened really well to the advent story! Thanks Mom, for sending it in square form!

But...this is the favorite of the season, she has spent more time taking off and putting on these window stickers than I have ever seen her do anything else!!  Can you think of a place to get year around ones??


  1. Awwww.... what a little sweetie pie :o}

    I sure enjoyed watching the creation of the advent boxes by you and Kari! Come craft here anytime!

  2. Ooh, I love the finalized hanging plan with the story!! Megan is adorable, as always! And I think you could find window stickers at Michaels for most seasons...


  3. Very cool idea of hanging the poem up as it gets opened! It looks great!!! so glad the window stickers are getting such a high rating! You girls always loved them too!

  4. I like your advent calendar better than mine I think...might have to try again next year. :)
