Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas project #2 - Cookies!

Our friends Piper and Simon came over this morning to do some cookie making with us.  can you believe that Megan has only been working for about 1 minute...yet is all covered in flour??

And has also eaten a decent amount of cookie dough!!

Simon and his gingerbread man

Okay, so side note.  There are two types of suger cookies unbenownst to me..a suger cookie AND a suger cookie CUTOUT.  Yep, I made the those good looking cookies down there....they ended up looking like big blobs of nothing.  ahhh good times....

Buttercream frosting made by Piper

We went all out this year and decided to do some real decorating, it took a bit longer than your dip and spread variety but they turned out really good!

Wreaths for you Dad!

They are all wrapped up and ready to send to Moody for their Christmas party!  Thanks Piper and Simon!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas project #1

Ready in our awesome new aprons, to make gingerbread houses!

Who's excited about candy??

Heaven on earth :-)

Megan's final product

Ian's was a whole other story....

Multiple rooms and even smoke coming out of the chimney!

The builders and their dream homes :-)