Wednesday, September 1, 2010


You know what they need to invent?  A little digital reader that you can swipe on your child's head, I would call it the grocery-shopper-reader.  It would plainly tell you whether or not it was likely that your child would erupt in the middle of shopping, in loud screams, and throw things - including anything that she could reach in the grocery cart.  Mostly chips of course, though you have to laugh when she tried to life the milk carton that was sitting next to her. would say :  unlikely to be a problem or she will smile the whole time or  DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD SHOPPING TODAY!!   Don't you think that would be helpful?


  1. Uh oh! That doesn't sound fun for ya! :( I'm sure I will be there someday...
    Maybe you should start working on that invention now (kinda like a mood ring thing) :)

  2. Considering her age it might read " Do not take shopping" 80% of the time right now! Though I have know kids who LOVE it. None of mine of course.

  3. I have to admit i laughed pretty hard imagining Megan trying to lift the milk and frustrated that she couldn't grabbed the next thing angrily! Such a funny and adorable mental picture, even if the sitation was not so "adorable" in the moment. Glad you can laugh about it now, right? I think you have a winning idea with that invention. Keep me posted when you got the prototype complete. I see millions in your future. :)
    take care,

  4. My child would never do that!!! Ha :-)

  5. Funny writing lee. Molly, maybe you won't get the fiesty type...after all he is a boy... ;-) I honestly think girls get hormones at age 2....some earlier like in Megan's case ;-) BUT they sure are cute...just wait till she starts talking more! ;-)

  6. Kaleb wants to know when you are going to put a new one up... ;-)
