Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Finally, after almost 5 years, we got a real cabinet for our kitchen!! Our friend who made it, finished it in a hurry this past weekend so that Ian could put it in while I was in Portland (picture to come of that ). I LOVE IT!! So far I haven't had time to organize it but it really cleans up our kitchen quite a bit. Megan has only pinched her fingers in the drawer once :-)

Here is where our microwave was..I think it is looking better already.

The past couple weeks just plain wore Megan out..yesterday she simply fell asleep on her stuffed kitty while Ian was doing dishes :-)
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  1. Sooooo...somehow the pictures and stuff messed up! See if you can match the picture and the post :-)

  2. The new cabinet looks great! Cleans it up nicely in there! Poor Megan...she looks exhausted!

  3. I love your cabinet! Hey if you haven't gotten rid of the shelving that used to be there (you know, the wire it a long lost memory by now? :)). Anyway, I will take it back unless it is already gone. We might use it for the piggies.

    Elijah fell asleep on our floor too! All curled up in a blanket, he was playing and then was out. Pretty tired around here too!

  4. I love it! Nice place for the microwave...I didn't realize it was going to free up your other corner...good place for the mixer...which frees up your other counter. Makes it a much more user friendly kitchen! I love pine anyway! Hope ya'll are feeling better!

  5. VAERY nice! cute pic of megan..poor liddow ting! :) Hope she is feeling more like her normal self now! it was nice getting to see her again!
