Friday, June 25, 2010


We began our trip to Alaska at 3am.  When we arrived at the airport, we found out that our second flight was canceled so we ended up have 3 extra hours to wait in Seattle...should have been a sign that our traveling would be crazy that day!!
Once we arrived in Anchorage, we drove an hour to Palmer and then got on another plane - much smaller :-)  to fly to Homer, Alaska.
We packed Megan and her new friend, Ali, in the back and headed out!

They slept the whole way!

                               Once we arrived in Homer, we headed out in a boat to Halibut Cove

 It was now about 9pm and Megan SCREAMED when we put a life jacket on her...not happy at all!
We arrived safe and sound to a small cabin in beatiful Alaska.

I took this at 11:30 outside our cabin before we went to bed.

View from the cabin

Outdoor, but warm, shower..excellent view :-)

Out on a hike the next day by the ocean

Matt's parents babysat for us while we went out for a hike!

Megan petting her first horse!

Getting ready for some Hobo stew out at the campfire outside the cabin.

Some down time in the evening..trying to calm Megan down for bed!

Out combing the beach for dead sea lions and starfish...we found both!  The girls weren't impressed :-)

On the boat again.....

Heading back to Palmer.

Flying up to the next cabin in Sheep Mt.

Little scooter ride to the hanger...

The famous Alaskan bush wheels..rather large :-)

All set and ready to roll for another day out!

In front of two glaciers...yes they are receding...yes that is normal :-)

Megan couldn't take in all the sights...she cashed out in the backpack

Protecting everyone from the bears :-)

Clearing the runway...seriously!

Still sleeping.....

I love flying!!

Can you believe this is their window view, NOT a picture!!

On the glacier

It was beatiful!

Out again...this time she got sunburnt! oops!

Hot dogs and marshmellows on the edge of the glacier.

Heading back home...

Rocking baby Ali :-)

It was a fabulous trip and very nice to get out and hike around!  What a beatiful place!!


  1. Dad and I think those pictures are beautiful! I am glad Megan got some winks in now and again! Hope you did too...the light and grandeous scenery are something! Glad you had a fun trip with friends! Coulda used you in Yosemite...had some bears following us around! You look wicked mean with that gun! Nice background for this blog!

  2. WOw,
    love the new backdrop for your blog! The pics look I want to go there too. Glad you had a good time!

  3. So, I LOVE the picture of you with the's awesome... I now need to find a gun and take a picture like that. I think you should make it your profile pic for facebook! :)

  4. Aunt Shirley here: LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna go, too! Beautiful photography!

  5. Wow Lela! You got some beautiful pictures! Glad you guys had such a good time! Makes me actually want to go to alaska! :)

  6. Wow some awesome pictures!!! I really loved the glaciers when we visited Alaska. It really is a beautiful place to visit.
