Thursday, February 4, 2010


So Megan has a slight obsession with shoes..she makes a "run" for Ian's closet every time our bedroom door is open so she can grab his shoes. She huffs and puffs as she tries to carry them around :-)

She also loves her own shoes..they don't require as much energy.

But the real prize is Mom's boots, those are worth hours of entertainment. The funny part it, there is no method to her love of them..she just picks them up and down :-)

Someday this will be an expensive habit..........................
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  1. I actually hear this from a lot of mom's that have girls. Crazy! I believe you love your shoes too...maybe she notices. I can picture her huffing and puffing and it makes me laugh!

  2. Haha, well that sounds familiar! :) She takes after you I guess!

  3. So you are a shoe person, eh Lela? Like mother, like daughter I guess! She is getting cuter by the week....those rosy cheeks are amazing :o}

  4. Hard to imagine she likes those big ole boats of Ian's! I think the furry boots make more sense...but she'll get her style sense right some day :-)
