Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas and New Years!

Christmas with Mima and Papa

Going to the theatre for the Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

Megan's first stocking

Blocks for Christmas

Waiting patiently for dinner :-)

Off to do some Christmas caroling in the neighborhood....COLD!

Sharing special legos with Asher

Dad's (Kevin) surprise birthday dinner

Megan had just spit her binky across the room because a waiter walked by with a plate of shrimp and she grabbed for it :-)

She loves to give kisses now

The whole family

Dad and the granddaughters

Mom's and daughters

Hope you all have a surprisingly good 2010 :-)


  1. Love those puckered lips! The one with Kevin and his girls is priceless! Great looking family times...glad you had fun and Megan is once again happy and healthy!

  2. She is so smiley and cute! The "kissing" one is so funny!

  3. I can tell Megan is an active girl! She is very expressive. Glad she is feeling better. Didn't look like you had snow...

  4. adorable kiissing picture!!! Man, does not look hard to get her to smile!
