Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yes, today we had our first snow of the winter!  It seems to be rather early this year, but we enjoyed the light dusting nonetheless.  Megan seemed to enjoy her first look...

....though I am not sure she knew what she was looking at :-)

Snow in the fall :-)


  1. Well, that's what happens when you change your background to snowflakes! Early snowfall...... ick! Last winter killed all my joy I found in snow. My friend from Colorado called yesterday and said they had 24" fall in 24 hours! Yikes! I thought it might make its way to EAstern WA! Sorry!

  2. We had some today too, but it didn't stick at all. Just really cold!

  3. We did not have snow :) love the leaf pic though!

  4. Brrrr! Nice to enjoy from the inside!

  5. If you could print that snow and leaf picture it would make a great Christmas card.!
